Monday, March 19, 2007

Session 16: The Spies Enter the Promised Land

Biblical Truth: After investigating the land God had promised the Israelites, the majority of spies led the people to doubt the leadership of God, and God punished them for their lack of trust in Him.

Daily Readings:

DAY 1 - Numbers 13:1-16
DAY 2 - Numbers 13:17-25
DAY 3 - Numbers 13:26-33
DAY 4 - Numbers 14:1-10
DAY 5 - Numbers 14:11-25
DAY 6 - Numbers 14:26-35
Day 7 - Numbers 21:4-9

Monday, March 12, 2007

Biblical Truth: God established a covenant with His people and gave them the Ten Commandments to show how they were to live in that covenant relationship.

Fanning the Flame Question: Can you name the Commandments?

Daily Reading:

Day 1: Exodus 19: 1-6
Day 2: Exodus 19: 7-11
Day 3: Exodus 19: 12-15
Day 4: Exodus 19: 16-19
Day 5: Exodus 19: 20-25
Day 6: Exodus 20: 1-7
Day 7: Exodus 20: 8-17

Don't Forget - REVIVAL begins Sunday!! Sunday night's message is geared towards families and youth!

Ski Trip Photos

Enjoy the pics guys!!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Session 14 - Moses and the Exodus

Although life remained difficult for a time, God used plagues and miracles to free His people from oppression. Do you complain??

Ski trip Saturday!! Meet at the church at 7:00 a.m. We will be back around 9:00 p.m. Bring money for skiing ($45) and money to eat 3 meals.

Daily Reading:
Day 1: Exodus 5:1-9
Day 2: Exodus 12:1-13
Day 3: Exodus 12:29-30
Day 4: Exodus 14:1-9
Day 5: Exodus 14:10-14
Day 6: Exodus 14:15-22
Day 7: Exodus 14:23-31

Session 13 - Moses and the Burning Bush

When the children of Israel cried for help, God called and sent Moses to deliver them from slavery and oppression.

Day1: Exodus 2:23-3:3
Day2: Exodus 3:4-10
Day3: Exodus 3:11-15
Day4: Exodus 3:16-22
Day5: Exodus 4:1-9
Day6: Exodus 4:10-17
Day7: Exodus 4:18-20