Sunday, April 1, 2007

Session 18: The Israelites in the Wilderness

Biblical Truth: God provided for the Israelites during their 40 years in the wilderness through His presence, commandments, and physical provisions.

DAY 1 - Numbers 9:15-23
DAY 2 - Deuteronomy 4:5-8
DAY 3 - Deuteronomy 8:1-4
DAY 4 - Exodus 16:1-12
DAY 5 - Exodus 16:13-23
DAY 6 - Exodus 16:24-36
DAY 7 - Exodus 17:1-7

Sorry for not posting last week! Also sorry for not having the video at church for you guys that were there Sunday. Maybe we will double up one week. I hope all of the Acteens had a good time at the weekender. I will get Cindy to get me some pics for the blog and the bulletin board!! I look forward to a great Easter sunrise service!!!!!

Session 17: Balaam

Biblical Truth: Balak saw God’s hand upon the Israelites and sought to have them cursed. Through Balaam, however, God only pronounced blessings upon His people.

DAY 1 - Numbers 22:1-13
DAY 2 - Numbers 22:14-21
DAY 3 - Numbers 22:22-39
DAY 4 - Numbers 22:40–23:12
DAY 5 - Numbers 23:13-26
DAY 6 - Numbers 23:27–24:9
DAY 7 - Numbers 24:10-19

Congrats again to Tara and Tate!!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Session 16: The Spies Enter the Promised Land

Biblical Truth: After investigating the land God had promised the Israelites, the majority of spies led the people to doubt the leadership of God, and God punished them for their lack of trust in Him.

Daily Readings:

DAY 1 - Numbers 13:1-16
DAY 2 - Numbers 13:17-25
DAY 3 - Numbers 13:26-33
DAY 4 - Numbers 14:1-10
DAY 5 - Numbers 14:11-25
DAY 6 - Numbers 14:26-35
Day 7 - Numbers 21:4-9

Monday, March 12, 2007

Biblical Truth: God established a covenant with His people and gave them the Ten Commandments to show how they were to live in that covenant relationship.

Fanning the Flame Question: Can you name the Commandments?

Daily Reading:

Day 1: Exodus 19: 1-6
Day 2: Exodus 19: 7-11
Day 3: Exodus 19: 12-15
Day 4: Exodus 19: 16-19
Day 5: Exodus 19: 20-25
Day 6: Exodus 20: 1-7
Day 7: Exodus 20: 8-17

Don't Forget - REVIVAL begins Sunday!! Sunday night's message is geared towards families and youth!

Ski Trip Photos

Enjoy the pics guys!!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Session 14 - Moses and the Exodus

Although life remained difficult for a time, God used plagues and miracles to free His people from oppression. Do you complain??

Ski trip Saturday!! Meet at the church at 7:00 a.m. We will be back around 9:00 p.m. Bring money for skiing ($45) and money to eat 3 meals.

Daily Reading:
Day 1: Exodus 5:1-9
Day 2: Exodus 12:1-13
Day 3: Exodus 12:29-30
Day 4: Exodus 14:1-9
Day 5: Exodus 14:10-14
Day 6: Exodus 14:15-22
Day 7: Exodus 14:23-31

Session 13 - Moses and the Burning Bush

When the children of Israel cried for help, God called and sent Moses to deliver them from slavery and oppression.

Day1: Exodus 2:23-3:3
Day2: Exodus 3:4-10
Day3: Exodus 3:11-15
Day4: Exodus 3:16-22
Day5: Exodus 4:1-9
Day6: Exodus 4:10-17
Day7: Exodus 4:18-20

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Session 12 - Job

Job 19:25 says "But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and that he will stand upon the earth at last."

Scripture Readings this week:

Day 1: Job 1:1-22
Day 2: Job 2:1-13
Day 3: Job 38:1-15
Day 4: Job 38:16-30
Day 5: Job 38:31-41
Day 6: Job 40:1-14
Day 7: Job 42:1-17

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Winter Jam

What an event on Thursday!! Great music, great fellowship, and over 1000 people made a public profession of faith. Glory to GOD!!!! Jamie and I had a great time and we hope you did too. I also hope you could stay awake in class on Friday after a pretty late night. Enjoy the pictures!!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Session 11 - Joseph

A big thank you to all the youth members who participated in the Valentine's Banquet. I hope you received as many thank you's as Jamie & I did. I know everyone enjoyed the costumes, the food, and the entertainment. God is truly at work with our Youth Group. Continue to pray for the group and the leaders that we may do God's will for SRBC Youth!!

I am looking forward to Thursday night's concert. I hope you all can make it out for a great night of Christian music.
We decided to set the ski date of March 10. We are still deciding where to go. We will let you know more when we decide. The lift tickets and ski rentals will be around $65. We will use the banquet "tips" to help offset some of the cost.

God allows circumstances we do not understand to occur in our lives. God developed the character of Joseph to lead Egypt during a time of crisis and fulfilled His promise to Abraham by continuing the plan of redemption.

Daily Readings:
Day 1: Genesis 37:1-11
Day 2: Genesis 37:18-36
Day 3: Genesis 39:1-20
Day 4: Genesis 39:21-40:15
Day 5: Genesis 41:1-16, 33-40
Day 6: Genesis 42:1-13
Day 7: Genesis 45:1-8, 50:15-212

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Session 10 - Jacob & His Family

God used Jacob's life to mold him into the man He desired Jacob to be.

Scripture Verses:

Day 1: Genesis 29:13-30
Day 2: Genesis 30:25-34
Day 3: Genesis 31:1-16
Day 4: Genesis 32:1-12
Day 5: Genesis 32:13-23
Day 6: Genesis 32:24-32
Day 1: Genesis 33:1-11

Is God in control of your life?

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Session 9: Jacob & Esau

God does not limit Himself to work according to our customs. He uses imperfect people in His ways to grow them and accomplish His will.

Daily Readings:

Day 1: Genesis 25:19-34
Day 2: Genesis 27:1-12
Day 3: Genesis 27:13-23
Day 4: Genesis 27:24-35
Day 5: Genesis 27:36-46
Day 6: Genesis 28:1-11
Day 7: Genesis 28:12-22

Valentine's Banquet - Feb. 10th - 6:00 pm
You guys need to be at the church by 3:00 to help prepare food, decorate, and set up!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Session 8: Sodom & Gomorrah

God does not let unrighteousness go unpunished, but He offers an element of grace.

Daily Reading:

Day 1 - Genesis 13:1-9
Day 2 - Genesis 13:10-18
Day 3 - Genesis 18:16-22
Day 4 - Genesis 18:23-33
Day 5 - Genesis 19:1-11
Day 6 - Genesis 19:12-22
Day 7 - Genesis 19:23-29

What do you dicuss with friends that's really important?

Feb 10 - Valentine's Dinner (60's Theme) - Soup/Chili and salad night!!!!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Session 7: Call of Abraham

God chose to begin the work of redemption for humankind in Abraham and Isaac as He birthed a nation through which He would bless the world.

Week 7 Bible Reading:

Day 1: Genesis 12:1-8
Day 2: Genesis 15:1-6
Day 3: Genesis 16:1-16
Day 4: Genesis 17:1-19
Day 5: Genesis 18:1-15
Day 6: Genesis 21:1-21
Day 7: Genesis 22:1-19

Do you feel that you have a destiny?

Valentine's Dinner - Feb. 10

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Session 6 - Tower of Babel

When the people united in their desire to take God's place, God demonstrated His sovereignty by dividing the nations.

Daily Readings:

Day 1: Genesis 10:1-10
Day 2: Genesis 10:11-20
Day 3: Genesis 10:21-29
Day 4: Genesis 10:30-11:6
Day 5: Genesis 11:7-15
Day 6: Genesis 11:16-23
Day 7: Genesis 11:24-32

Youth Christmas

Green Team

Red Team

I hope everyone had a good time at the Christmas party. I think the event was a blast. Green team, good battle, Red team, better luck next year! Zach, you seem to be the sharpest shooter of the bunch. Nice shootin'!!!Josh, be ready for we will meet again! Laci & Tate, at least you didn't get a 6 on every hole!!!!