Saturday, January 27, 2007

Session 9: Jacob & Esau

God does not limit Himself to work according to our customs. He uses imperfect people in His ways to grow them and accomplish His will.

Daily Readings:

Day 1: Genesis 25:19-34
Day 2: Genesis 27:1-12
Day 3: Genesis 27:13-23
Day 4: Genesis 27:24-35
Day 5: Genesis 27:36-46
Day 6: Genesis 28:1-11
Day 7: Genesis 28:12-22

Valentine's Banquet - Feb. 10th - 6:00 pm
You guys need to be at the church by 3:00 to help prepare food, decorate, and set up!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Session 8: Sodom & Gomorrah

God does not let unrighteousness go unpunished, but He offers an element of grace.

Daily Reading:

Day 1 - Genesis 13:1-9
Day 2 - Genesis 13:10-18
Day 3 - Genesis 18:16-22
Day 4 - Genesis 18:23-33
Day 5 - Genesis 19:1-11
Day 6 - Genesis 19:12-22
Day 7 - Genesis 19:23-29

What do you dicuss with friends that's really important?

Feb 10 - Valentine's Dinner (60's Theme) - Soup/Chili and salad night!!!!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Session 7: Call of Abraham

God chose to begin the work of redemption for humankind in Abraham and Isaac as He birthed a nation through which He would bless the world.

Week 7 Bible Reading:

Day 1: Genesis 12:1-8
Day 2: Genesis 15:1-6
Day 3: Genesis 16:1-16
Day 4: Genesis 17:1-19
Day 5: Genesis 18:1-15
Day 6: Genesis 21:1-21
Day 7: Genesis 22:1-19

Do you feel that you have a destiny?

Valentine's Dinner - Feb. 10

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Session 6 - Tower of Babel

When the people united in their desire to take God's place, God demonstrated His sovereignty by dividing the nations.

Daily Readings:

Day 1: Genesis 10:1-10
Day 2: Genesis 10:11-20
Day 3: Genesis 10:21-29
Day 4: Genesis 10:30-11:6
Day 5: Genesis 11:7-15
Day 6: Genesis 11:16-23
Day 7: Genesis 11:24-32

Youth Christmas

Green Team

Red Team

I hope everyone had a good time at the Christmas party. I think the event was a blast. Green team, good battle, Red team, better luck next year! Zach, you seem to be the sharpest shooter of the bunch. Nice shootin'!!!Josh, be ready for we will meet again! Laci & Tate, at least you didn't get a 6 on every hole!!!!